Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 19-21 Summer Trip

We got down to the house Friday at about 4:30 pm and the water was just starting to pull out but it was calm enough to go fishing so we suited up and ran down to the water.  The water was about just under 80 degrees so no wet suits were needed.  This was Kyle's first time with a spear gun so we only took the JBL Sawed Off.  The visibility was a little over 10 ft and there were fish everywhere.  We traded off  shots but only hit sand (this is my first time shooting this gun so cut me some slack) .  The first fish that I was able to tag was an ok sized Grunt just over 8" long.  I then gave the gun to Kyle and with a good idea of how is done he landed his first kill as a spearo.  It was a Spinster Wrasse and he got him in the gut.  As we continued hunting we saw 2-3  Round Sting Rays and what felt like thousands of Trigger Fish.  The next fish I hit was a Silver Mullet over 10".  It was in about 5-6' of water and in a school of about 10.  I believe they were chasing after a giant school of these little 2" sardines that were everywhere in 3' of water.  The last fish bagged was chasing after these sardines also.  I got him square in the body and it was a good thing because he was full of fight and would of ripped off I had shot him anywhere else.  It was a Pompano that was 10".  By the time I got him on the line the sun was disappearing.  Unfortunately that was the only chance we had for spear fishing on this trip do to huge swells the rest of the trip.  

Kyle with his first kill-- Spinster Wrasse

Grunt we gave to the birds, the Trigger Fish were nibbling at him as we swam.

Pompano, tricky to fillet because he is covered in spiky fins and skinny fillets. We fried him with garlic chunks and oil.  Meat was on the tough side.

Silver Mullet,  easy to fillet with lots of meat.  We fried him with garlic chunks and oil and it was really good and flaky.