Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving- Fishing Report for Nov 2013

This trip down to Puerto Penasco was longer then most and we took advantage of that with spearfishing.  One of the best parts of the trip was introducing spearfishing to 2 new hunters, Cara (my wife) and Scott (a very close friend). We also tried 2 new spots, Playa Del Oro beach and the backside of Comp Hill just outside of La Cholla.

Our fist opportunity to go fishing was on Friday the 27th at around 11am.  We fished for 4 hours so the tide was at full tide and on its way out for the majority of our fishing.  The location was the Playa Del Oro beach on the south east side of Puerto Penasco.  This is where Cara and Scott jumped in with us.  As we fished we swam west towards a rockier area and never when farther then 30-40 yards off the beach.  We saw a great number of Spinster Wrasses and Opaleye, and got a far share of each.  We also saw a handful of Trigger Fish and Sand Bass.  Cara snagged a Trigger Fish not long after getting in and was very excited, it did not matter that it was about the size of her hand.  Scott speared a couple of Wrasses, so great job to both of them.  The largest fish of the day was Trigger Fish that I got with my gun and he was about the size of a big dinner plate.  

The next day Saturday the 28th Garrett and myself took the ryno to a extremely rocky location behind Comp Hill just east of La Cholla.  It was about 4 pm when we arrived so the tide was over half way out.  The walk to the water was miserable but the location would be great at high tide or just before.  We were only able to fish for about 1 1/2 hours but it was a great time with a lot to see.  The water was not nearly as clear as the previous day, I do not know if that is because a lack of sun light or the current being strong on its way out or a compilation of the two.  We saw a lot of Sand Bass and these white, opaleye looking fish with 2 dots on there back.  The only thing we left with was 2 interesting looking shells.

On Sunday the 29th we did some fishing out behind the house in Las Conchas just before high tide at around 9 am.  Cara joined us for about an hour and we did not go far when we found a mini reef area 4 houses to the east about 15 yards from the sand.  There was tons of fish life and we even found ourselves in a school of thousands of sardines.  I ventured out into some deeper water (10-15ft) and come across a Pacific Porgy that was just smaller then two hands, while trying to jimmy him I feel he deflated a bit.  Shortly after getting him on my line I stocked a large Sand Bass tell he went under a rock ledge.  I dove down and got of  a good shot and hit him and he went ballistic and tangled my line up and then went back under the rock.  After some work I got him out and brought them both up to the house.  The Sand Bass was great to cut up and made some delicious fish tacos.  The Pacific Porgy did not have much meat on him and the meat was pretty flaky.

Cara with her new friend!


Trigger Fish

Spinster Wrasse

Friday's Dinner

Porgy(left) and Sand Bass(right)

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